Boat Trailer Parts Mildura
Boat Trailer Rollers, Bunks, Skids, Bunk Covers, Brackets / Hardware, Spare Wheels, Winches & More | Roxom Mildura.
Boat Trailer Rollers, Bunks, Skids, Bunk Covers, Brackets / Hardware, Spare Wheels, Winches & More | Roxom Mildura.
Mildura in Victoria is located in the far north west of the state. Situated along the famous Murray River, Mildura is a popular holiday destination for many families and visitors looking to escape the city lifestyle and have a country holiday either fishing or water skiing out on the Murray.
If you happen to live in Mildura, or visiting on vacation, you will most likely have your boat with you. Before you leave it is important to go over your boat trailer and a maintenance checklist to ensure you wont have any issues on your trip away. In the unfortunate event something does go wrong, you will need a quick reliable source for boat trailer spares to get you back on your way as quickly as possible.
Whether you are looking to replace your boat trailer rollers, bunks, skids, multi roller system, LED Boat Trailer Lights? Or simply add a new jockey wheel or boat trailer winch? Roxom Boat Trailer Spares, has you covered. Despite being located primary in Brisbane, our quick and efficient service has been supplying locals in Mildura with all in stock parts delivered to their doors within a couple of days!
With the lack of quality boat trailer parts supply stores around the country, Roxom has built a strong reputation on helping the general public out on keeping their boat trailers in excellent working condition. With boat trailer manufacturers not designing trailers to suit individual boats, it is important the end user makes some slight adjustments to get the full benefit from their trailer so it works correctly each and every time they go to use their boat. After all, you don’t want to be stuck on the side of the road, or at the boat ramp fighting and fixing a simply error. You want to spend that time out on the water!